Welsh Prize



1. The Prize recognizes superb scholarly work in film and/or TV adaptations of literature, drama, and history.

2. The Prize is for cumulative achievement in the field, not for a short-term effort.


1. The Prize shall be administered by the officers of the Literature/Film Association (LFA).

2. In the spring of each year, the officers of the LFA shall issue a call for nominations for the Jim Welsh Prize to the members of LFA. (Members are defined as those who have paid LFA dues in any of the previous three years.)

3. Nominees need not be members of LFA.

4. The LFA Council shall select a yearly winner of the Jim Welsh Prize by vote from the nominations submitted by all members in good standing.

5. A member of the LFA Council cannot vote on the Prize if he/she has been nominated for the Prize in that particular year. However, if a member of the Council declines the nomination, then he/she can vote.

6. If on the first ballot two or more individuals tie in the vote, the LFA Council shall devise a process to break the logjam.

The Award:

1. Winners of the Jim Welsh Prize shall be given a cash award of $250 and a certificate.

2. The Prize shall normally be announced at the Annual Meeting of the LFA.

3. The winner need not be present at the Annual Meeting.