
Article 1: Name

This association shall be known as the Literature/Film Association.

Article 2: Purpose

Established in 1989, the LFA encourages a wide variety of approaches to the study of cinema, with special focus on the relationship of literature and film.  It supports and promotes cinema studies largely by planning and running an annual conference of film scholars from across the country and around the globe.

Article 3: Membership

Members are recognized by the payment of annual dues and participation in annual conferences.  All members in good standing have the same voting rights and privileges.  Appropriate annual dues shall be determined by the LFA Council.

Article 4: The LFA Council

The LFA Council is the governing body of the Literature/Film Association. The Council consists of seven members: the four officers and three directors, all serving three-year terms. For purposes of advice and potential collaboration, the former President, the editor (or one co-editor) of Literature/Film Quarterly, appointed by that journal, and a Digital Media and Technology Coordinator, appointed by the President, shall also be unelected ex-officio members of this board.

Article 5: Officers

The elected officers are as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All elected officers serve for a three-year term, after nomination by the nominating committee and election by the membership. In addition to the elected officers, a Digital Media and Technology Coordinator will serve as an unelected officer on the Council. The Digital Media and Technology Coordinator is appointed by the President and will serve for a term of unspecified length, at the appointee’s pleasure and the President’s discretion.


The President chairs the LFA Council, appoints its committees, calls and sets agendas for council meetings, presides at the annual conference, and sets the agenda for the general meeting therein.

The Vice President assists and stands in for the president when necessary.

The Secretary writes minutes of meetings (when necessary), conducts and certifies results of elections, produces newsletters and other publications of the association, and maintains the association’s records.

The Treasurer keeps the financial accounts of the association, makes deposits and disbursements of funds, and authors financial reports for the council.

The Digital Media and Technology Coordinator assists with the technological needs of the association, including the maintenance of its website and its digital archives.

The York College Director of LFA is an unelected, ex-officio position, appointed by the LFA President and confirmed by the council that aids the collaboration between LFA and the Center for Collaborative Innovation at York College

Article 6: Committees

There are two standing board committees: nominations and conference planning.  In addition, special committees may be created by the council.  Members of these committees are appointed by the president, with the following stipulations: (1) the nominations committee shall consist of an officer other than the president and one director; (2) the conference committee shall include at least two council members and normally be appointed for a term of one year only; (3) all officers and directors are expected to take active roles on the conference committee at least once during a three-year term; (4) ideally, the conference committee will include LFA members not on the council as well.

Article 7: Nominations and Elections

The nominating committee, having solicited suggestions from the membership (at the annual meeting and otherwise), shall nominate candidates from the membership for each position that must be filled in the following year.  Nominations may also be made directly by the membership: two members in good standing may nominate another, so long as they have his/her consent.  [Until these by-laws are approved and a council is established, the LFA officers in place during 2005-06 shall be the nominating committee for elections held at the 2006 conference.]

Elections shall normally be held at the annual meeting of the Association (but if necessary, special elections may be held by email).  If no candidate for a position receives at least fifty percent of the votes cast, a run-off shall be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes.  Vacancies on the board occurring through failure to complete a full term of office shall be filled through appointments made by the remaining members of the council.

All terms of office shall begin on the day after the end of the annual conference or, if there is no conference, on the first day of the next calendar year.

Article 8: Meetings

The general meeting of the membership shall be held at the annual LFA conference.  The quorum for a general membership meeting shall be 10 members in good standing physically present.  The President shall provide an agenda for the meeting.

The Council may choose to transact business by email or telephone if an in-person meeting is not practical.  The positive vote of at least four members of the Council is needed for an item to pass.  Any member of the Council may request a delay of one week before a decision is finalized, to allow for additional debate and consultation.

Article 9: Amendments

These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote (of those voting) at either a general membership meeting or by email or signed mail ballot.

Article 10:  Requirement of a Mail Ballot

Any action taken at a general membership meeting or by the council may be challenged and put to a mail-ballot vote on receipt by the secretary of a petition signed by 15 members in good standing.